About Us
The Texas Mountaineers is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the promotion of climbing activities, education, and stewardship in the North Texas area. We offer beginner and intermediate classes and have frequent climbing trips to climbing areas in Texas and the surrounding states.The club was originally formed in 1978 as an extension of the Dallas Sierra Club, Dallas Rock Climbing Section (DRCS). In 1988, the DRCS became the Texas Mountaineers, establishing itself as an independent organization from the Sierra Club during a period of significant growth in membership. We are now a diverse group of nearly 200 climbing enthusiasts.
When it comes to climbing, the Texas Mountaineers are a passionate climbing group with members ranging in experience from simple top-roping to big-wall climbing to big alpine climbs such as the Matterhorn in the Swiss Alps. Our local stomping grounds include places like the Wichita Mountains, Quartz Mountain, Horseshoe Canyon Ranch, Enchanted Rock, and Reimer’s Ranch. Want to go someplace else? All you have to do is jump on our forum and plan a trip. More than likely you will find another member who will join in on the fun.
Make sure you check out the classes we offer, our club calendar, and connect with us on our FaceBook page. We’re always looking for new members passionate about climbing, so if you’re ready to take the plunge and learn how to climb, head on over to our membership page and get started.
Meet The Board Members
Melissa Howington
Melissa first climbed outdoors when she took the Texas Mountaineers beginner class in 2012. Since then, she’s developed a love for all types of climbing (sport, trad, multi-pitch and even ice). Her favorite type of rock is sandstone, and thus her favorite climbing area is Red Rock Canyon. She’s worn a few different hats with TM over the years (secretary, training coordinator and chairperson) and is also a Chemist!
Vice Chair and Sustainable Bolt Management:

Gary Ballard
After moving from Minnesota, Gary began his climbing adventures in the early 80’s. First inspired by a story about El Cap in National Geographic. E-rock, on Harder Than it Looks, was his first experience with the rock, as they say “The rest is history”. He was originally a member of the Dallas Rock Climbing Section of the Sierra Club (DRCS) 1983. Then a founding member of the Texas Mountaineers in 1987. Back in the 80’s climbing on the real rock is all we had. Traditional climbing is his preference but enjoys sport climbing as well. His multi-pitch climbing has taken a back seat to the mostly single pitch lines of the past 10 years. He put up a First Ascent on Leaning Tower in the WMWR in 1988, (Lycra Sheath, 5.10c). He has been pursuing the Colorado 14ers since 1988 by coordinating TM club trips each summer. The count is now at 34 peaks summited. There are still a lot of locations he wants to visit in the U.S. Gary is a huge advocate of Sustainable Bolt Management, leading by example and sharing the knowledge of bolt extraction to continue to use the same bolt hole far into the future.

Mark David Basco
Mark immigrated from the Philippines in 2012, and has since settled in Texas. He started climbing outdoors in 2023 after participating in a multi-day Alpine Mountaineering course in Washington state, an experience that further deepened his passion for the mountains. He then found TM online, became a member, and completed a few of their classes. Mark is fond of the WMWR, where he spends time climbing and trail running. He’s also a physical therapist by day, helping people get back on the things they love to do after an injury or surgery.

Laine Smith
Laine was introduced to gym climbing by a friend in the Spring of 2016, and had her first outdoor adventure as part of an Outward Bound backpacking course. While seeking to find a place to learn more about climbing she happened upon the Texas Mountaineers website and signed up for a beginner’s class in the Fall of 2016. Laine has been climbing indoors and outdoors since then and frequently assists with the Beginner’s class. When her love of climbing forces her to work (to afford more gear!) she works as a home health physical therapist.
Training Coordinator and Safety Officer:

Equipment Coordinator:

JP Bute
JP attended the Spring 2017 beginner class has been a regular climber with TM ever since. When not managing equipment, JP enjoys breezy moonlit nights, long walks on the beach and spontaneous comedic songs. JP is married to the Librarian, but he is an infrequent reader and has a limited vocabulary. When not falling, JP has fun trying harder and harder trad lead grades, until he gets scared, and then its less fun.
At-Large Member:

William White
Inspired by his travels to the mountains of Colorado and Washington Will began his climbing journey with Texas Mountaineers in the fall beginner’s class of 2024. Now an avid sport climber and boulderer, he is always looking to learn and climb more, and hoping to pursue trad climbing a mountaineering in the future.
At-Large Member:

Tyler Leverenz-Soetaert
After stumbling into climbing by way of zip line guiding, Tyler quickly realized her love for movement and her passion for the outdoors had aligned. She began gym climbing in 2018 and joined the Texas Mountaineers in 2024. She looks forward to growing as a climber and helping guide others into the sport.

LeRoy Valdes
LeRoy was not born in, but was raised in Texas. Educated as, but not a practicing mathematician, who works as Systems Engineer/Analyst for a defense company. Started gym climbing in 2013. First outdoor climbing trip was in July 2013 with boy scouts and after that was hooked on climbing. Joined up with TM in late 2013 and took the beginner class in Spring 2014. Started sport lead climbing in 2014 and started trad leading in May 2016.